Psycho-Pass Legend Chaser Shusei Kagari (PSYCHO-PASS LEGEND 追跡者 縢秀星) is a novel written by Hikaru Sakurai in collaboration with Nitroplus. It is released on August 29, 2014.
The story centers around Enforcer Shusei Kagari of Division 01. The novel begins with Kagari pursuing Shogo Makishima’s men in the underground of the NONA Tower[1] and goes back to his youth, when he is labelled latent criminal, and his time in an isolation facility.[2] As well as his early years as an Enforcer.
- The Special Edition features additional colored illustrations.
- ↑ 0116 The Gates of Judgment
- ↑ Translation work by cleverwolfpoetry on Tumblr.