Psycho-Pass Wiki
Psycho-Pass Wiki
Psycho-Pass Wiki

Tetsuya Sasagawa is a financial consultant for the Hyper Transport Company and the head of a real estate financial scheme designed to take money from immigrants. He also works as a Bifrost Inspector.


Sasagawa is a male of average height and build in his 20's. He has dark-irised eyes and black hair. He is typically seen in a dark purple suit, white dress shirt and yellow tie.


He is a cunning and ruthless man who desires success and fortune above all else. While he is loyal to his friends, he is not afraid to get rid of them when things get risky.

Personal Background[]

Born on December 5, 2093.[1]


Kanagawa Prefecture, Yokohama City, Naka Ward, Shin Kitanaka-dori A-50, Clio The Tower, Yokohama Shin Kitanaka-dori 60A

Emergency Contact Information[]

Ibaraki Prefecture, Kasumigaura City, Aruga, F- 74
Tetsuro Sasagawa (relation: father)


March 2107 - Graduates from Ibaraki Middle School, General Education Course
April 2107 – Enrolls at Seiwa University Higher Education Curriculum, Faculty of Law, Politics Course
March 2111 – Graduates from Seiwa University Higher Education Curriculum, Faculty of Law, Politics Course

Work History[]

October 2113 – Assumes post as Chief Administrator for the Urban Housing Finance Corporation, General Affairs Agency​
October 2118 – Resigns as Chief Administrator for the Urban Housing Finance Corporation, General Affairs Agency​
July 2118 – Enters the Hyper Transport Company. Assumes Position as Financial Consultant for the Hyper Transport Company


May 2111 – Obtains Type 1 Standard Automobiles Driver’s License


Takumi Yonehara[]


Sasagawa and Yonehara talk over a drink.

Yonehara and Sasagawa have been friends for a long time. They used to attend the same schools and protect one another until the transport drone accident reveals their financial mismanagement of Hyper Transport. Then Sasagawa, indifferent to Yonehara crying, turns away from his friend and orders him to go to Numakura's group, which kill him.

Koichi Azusawa[]

Sasagawa and Azusawa are fellow Inspectors within Bifrost. However, Azusawa is Sasagawa's superior. Azusawa helps Sasagawa plan the murder of Asahi Rick Fellows.


  • His work ID is 35487-TIGS-97482-1.
  • In the Ending theme, Tetsuya's family name is listed as Sasakawa rather Sasagawa.



  1. Sasagawa's date of birth in the ending says March 17, but in S3's Episode 1, his profile lists December 5, 2093 (file here). A similar discrepancy exists regarding blood type: ending says A, but another source says B.


  • See also his seiyu on Animenewsnetwork.
v  d  e
Psycho-Pass 2
Psycho-Pass: The Movie
Psycho-Pass: Sinners of the System
Psycho-Pass Season 3
Psycho-Pass 3: First Inspector
Psycho-Pass: Providence
